Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is located at a migration crossroad between Eastern and Western Europe. The conflict in the former Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1995 destroyed the social and economic infrastructure and forced over half of citizens of BH to leave their homes. Today, the return of displaced persons and a rise in illegal migration, such as human trafficking and smuggling, make migration a major challenge for BiH’s post-conflict recovery and development.

IOM initiated a mission in Sarajevo in 1992 in the basement of Koševo Hospital, setting up the MEDEVAC programme to evacuate war-wounded individuals who could not be treated locally. Following the end of the war, IOM expanded its activities to the return of refugees from abroad and to assist BH nationals resettling in third countries. Today, IOM’s programmes aim to prevent irregular migration, stop the trafficking of human beings, contribute to national development, and assist the BiH Government to manage migration activities.

Contact Us

Sub-Regional Office for the Western Balkans

UN Common house, Zmaja od Bosne bb 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fax: +387 33 293 726

Tel: +387 33 293 400 | +387 61 226 301


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