
Ukraine: Two Years of Response

2 years on

It has been two years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Through it all, IOM has continued to be present in Ukraine and its neighboring countries in the region, providing essential humanitarian aid and support to those impacted by the war. 

To mark the second year of response, the Regional Office has compiled videos and stories that showcase the journey to recovery. 

Faces of War: Portraits of Ukrainian Grit, Resilience Two Years On follows Maksym, Oleksandra, Mykola, Natalia, and Oleksii on their ability to move forward despite the pain endured. 

On our YouTube Channel, you can find meaningful stories from Svetlana and Olesea on IOM helping small business owners expand while creating opportunities for Ukrainians in Moldova 

In Belarus, Ukrainians are rebuilding their lives through IOM's professional development training. 

You can also find a statement from our Director General and a report on IOM's two year response.