IOM’s office in Moscow was opened in 1992.

IOM’s activities in Russia are governed by a Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the International Organization for Migration, in the following areas based on availability of funds:

  • direct aid to migrants in the course of migration and integration in the new places of residence;
  • technical and expert assistance in migration management and development of legislation;
  • improvement of border control and immigration control systems;
  • efforts against human trafficking, including trafficking in women and children for sex exploitation;
  • activities to prevent irregular migration;
  • assisted voluntary return of third-country nationals who are in distress in Russia;
  • research programs aimed at resolving migration problems;
  • medical aid to migrants;
  • reintegration of own nationals.

Contact Us

12, 2nd Zvenigorodskaya street, 123100 Moscow, Russian Federation

Fax: +7 499 253 3522

Tel: +7 495 797 8722

IOM Russian Federation

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